in a few weeks, on this very blog, a new video from myself will be planted stylishly and with much enthusiasm. said movie will be a skating movie, not a bodyboarding movie (shock horror!), and the skating WON'T be excellent, actually, mediocre at best. What you can expect is some fun times and some cool music, smashed together on Adobe Premier Pro CS3.
some frames from todays session:
Sliding silly.
DVS double skate attempt.
that's it, that's all!
some frames from todays session:
that's it, that's all!
this is gay. why do you try to copy everyone and everything you gimp
shuuuuutup anonymous, so sick of you people
nic your just as bad. if dan and west do something you copy them and make yourself look like a douche
everyone should shhhhh :)
cyber bullies are cool
yay in in the photo and anonymous go suck a dick. call me when u say this to there face
u got it nic
from (duke) thats rite duke
nanonymous commenters are piss-swilling, nancy boy, gypsy pirates whose comments, without their full names on them, hold absolutely no weight whatsoever. the only reason these trolling whores do this is to attempt to provide meaning to their supposed "life".
to those of you that have supported me, thankyou.
to those of you that have commited these hanus crimes, FUCK OFF! FOREVER!
that is all
Why do you read it if you think it so shit??? like to see you do better
anonymous can go suk a fat one u piece of shit. fuk off
i'll make all you dardy cunts skip dawgs mtoher fuckas
hi iam a really cool guy, i like to stick my hand in da wat3r to spin.. i an like to do 4 arrz in a rown. by tha wey im fram august@
get a pushie mate, i mean me and fazza got it sorted. we run this town, unit hats, bundy babes, bring me the hairspray, utes, whips, new gf every week, jindong, men, superman seat grabs and $25er off harney!!!!!
peace & love
taldsy aka tom halden aka taldanator aka talden aka taldles aka bmx fo life!!!
we love spuey!
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