Friday, June 26, 2009


"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." - George Bush, 2004.

Micheal Jackson has died of cardiac arrest this morning.


Fuck this, Fuck that. Fuck EVERYTHING.
I think it's safe to say that there hasn't been many waves on offer the last few weeks, and when there's no waves in Margaret River there's nothing much teenagers can do to kill time. The only difference between shit weather mostly, with some good waves, and always having good waves on offer, is that when the good do finally come around, you could say the quality of surfing is better, and that the quality of filming is better. all because of one thing, AMP.

so when that day finally comes. be ready.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

chk chk boom

zomgz, nothing to write about. no framies, "WHAT HAVE I DONE?"

im not actually sorry, ive got exams at the moment and there has been NO waves anyway.

when theres waves you KNOW this blog will come alive, and when that happens, i KNOW you will be reading it.

peace out, for now

Friday, June 12, 2009


ze Mitch Woodland'z elite bodyboarding clinic MEGA COMP iz on this saturday, come and get your DVD's from the last one, for just a gold coin donation!

everything about it is MEGA

_MEGA giveaways

_MEGA dvd's

_MEGA wigs

_MEGA props

and much more!

I can't leave you now without a picture of some description, so in order for me to leave this computer, you need to scroll down, cheers...MEGA man

chk chk BOOM!

Monday, June 8, 2009


FORWARDfilms got a Myspace!

add it or die!

Sunday, June 7, 2009


R.I.P. Mr. Bigglesworth.

i will forever hold you in my heart.

today i surfed while tom and his foot took over the camera. here are the results:

My south sides keg

Later that wave...

You wish you knew where!

Al, cobbles the other day.

that's it for now, no waves in the near future but i will keep you updated!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Welcome to the 50th post on ForwardFilms

this post is simply to inform you that coming to this blog soon will be the follow-up video to "Failure". the new movie is titled "Failed" and will be online shortly.

thanks for your time, pce

Monday, June 1, 2009


We scored some sick waves over the last few days. here are just a few examples of said waves:

Tom, arse

Stand-up Steve

Big bad Barry Hall





James , DK Demon

James, Slotted

James, Spinny-winny

Amaury, Inverse

James, drawing a line


Cameron Hutchins


thats it for now,
