It was only last thursday, when a rather peculiar set of events were beginning to occur. Although it feels like months ago now.
Thursday: I drove to perth at 11.15am and arrived at 2.30pm, my mother and I checked in to our hotel, and decided to walk to Perth in the 44degree heat, to get something to eat. I ended up paying for our taxi home, and was relieved to get back to our air-conditioned room, where I watched Foxtel until i fell asleep at 10.30pm.
Friday: Mum and I went for a swim in the pool, before heading to Karrinyup Shopping Centre via trigg beach. Mum dropped me at Sam Molloy's house at 3.30pm and Trent drove Sam, Lewy, Cam and I to Margaret River. We arrived in Margaret River at 8.15pm, due to long-weekend traffic, and proceded to collapse on various beds and couches.
Mooey jr.
Saturday: We somehow managed to wake up at 6.30am and make our way down to Gas Bay. We were greeted with small, sand whipped peaks which we gave up on, after an hour or two. the boys then dropped me off at work on their way to cobbles and eventually mufflers. when they finally arrived home at 5.30pm, we remembered we had left Cam at Gas and we decided we should probably pick him up. On the way to pick up Cam, I heard many a tale of toob and beating, in what the boys had described as an "epic double-sesh".
Sunday: We had a small sleep-in on Sunday morning, so didn't get to the beach until 8.30am. We arrived at the wave just as a set was rolling through, and could hardly believe our eyes, so we suited up, ran down the beach, climbed over some rocks and jumped in. The boys were all surfing well and I was working the rangles, making sure nothing was missed. After that we surfed a beachie just around the corner that was full of potential, and lacked some size, but was a bunch of fun anyway. We unanimously voted to go check mufflers, but unfortunately it was also too small, so we drove to town to get a feed.
Monday: Today was March the 1st, 16 years ago to this day, a fat, smelly, crying baby was brought into the world by his mother. That babies' name was Tom Purvis. We decided it would only be fitting, to spend the day with him. We crammed into the boot and headed to Castles in Trent's Lux Surf. Some poo-licious fun was had there before it was time to head home. Some chilling out was had, until Trent finally decided if he didn't go home then, he would stay forever.
!6 year old
Thanks for reading all that, peace.
Thursday: I drove to perth at 11.15am and arrived at 2.30pm, my mother and I checked in to our hotel, and decided to walk to Perth in the 44degree heat, to get something to eat. I ended up paying for our taxi home, and was relieved to get back to our air-conditioned room, where I watched Foxtel until i fell asleep at 10.30pm.
Friday: Mum and I went for a swim in the pool, before heading to Karrinyup Shopping Centre via trigg beach. Mum dropped me at Sam Molloy's house at 3.30pm and Trent drove Sam, Lewy, Cam and I to Margaret River. We arrived in Margaret River at 8.15pm, due to long-weekend traffic, and proceded to collapse on various beds and couches.
Saturday: We somehow managed to wake up at 6.30am and make our way down to Gas Bay. We were greeted with small, sand whipped peaks which we gave up on, after an hour or two. the boys then dropped me off at work on their way to cobbles and eventually mufflers. when they finally arrived home at 5.30pm, we remembered we had left Cam at Gas and we decided we should probably pick him up. On the way to pick up Cam, I heard many a tale of toob and beating, in what the boys had described as an "epic double-sesh".
Sunday: We had a small sleep-in on Sunday morning, so didn't get to the beach until 8.30am. We arrived at the wave just as a set was rolling through, and could hardly believe our eyes, so we suited up, ran down the beach, climbed over some rocks and jumped in. The boys were all surfing well and I was working the rangles, making sure nothing was missed. After that we surfed a beachie just around the corner that was full of potential, and lacked some size, but was a bunch of fun anyway. We unanimously voted to go check mufflers, but unfortunately it was also too small, so we drove to town to get a feed.
Monday: Today was March the 1st, 16 years ago to this day, a fat, smelly, crying baby was brought into the world by his mother. That babies' name was Tom Purvis. We decided it would only be fitting, to spend the day with him. We crammed into the boot and headed to Castles in Trent's Lux Surf. Some poo-licious fun was had there before it was time to head home. Some chilling out was had, until Trent finally decided if he didn't go home then, he would stay forever.
Thanks for reading all that, peace.
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