State round
- as most of you would already know, the first state round was held at Mandurah Wedge last weekend. overall the comp was a great success, with a sausage sizzle fundraiser, giveaways and a huge proffesional turn-out. check the results here.
- so as it turns out, tom ended up doing pretty good for his first comp, and finished 3rd.
In other news,
- i made a flyer/advert for forward films and it turned out ok.
(click to enlarge)
-it won't be long now before the good wave season kicks in, i have my housing and im living the good life.
-check over at Claws and Teeth to keep a watchful eye on the production of their latest movie, PASTICHE
thats it from me now, i will be sure to post up again soon with more news.
- so as it turns out, tom ended up doing pretty good for his first comp, and finished 3rd.
In other news,
- i made a flyer/advert for forward films and it turned out ok.

-it won't be long now before the good wave season kicks in, i have my housing and im living the good life.
-check over at Claws and Teeth to keep a watchful eye on the production of their latest movie, PASTICHE
thats it from me now, i will be sure to post up again soon with more news.
I like the way forward films is in the clouds haha looks good hugh
tom rips. kyles better. and shit you see joti!!!!!!! OMG its russell crowe dawg in the hood man yewsst. love talden
p.s is your nana still limping on the fact that i stuck my williydoodle in her squish mitten and the stink yo dawg!!
ps. i love you
p.s not really, i am a forty year virging who thaught tom was hot when i looked through his window at his house and he just happened to be getting in to the shower. OMG. i wish we had a group hug that day. it was small but ohh so hot.
ps. good luck with the filming spewey lewey jewy muewy pewy penis crutch vagina nigger black.
love ali florientino.
ps i love pasta with hot meatball and toast. and yes i have a lotta hair on my back and chin area. like hayley hick. who tom used to go out with suck shit asshpole.
cute bum.
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