Friday, July 31, 2009


plenty of fray-mies from box
'nuff said,


Herro yo. I came down on Thursday, I' ve been staying at hughs and I am going back Sunday arvo, on Thursday i had sick gas with tomic, luke (both from goldy) and jake throssell, who was shooting. It's Friday today and i surfed fun as chups box in the morning while hugh sat in the channel with his video device. It was uncrowded because everyone was at school so we were getting tonnes of waves. Two days of this trip left, so you stay posted!

peace out,

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


These are the results from sewer the other day.

The moose, nuff said

T.P, grovel practise for states

bye for now, not forever!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


if your wondering why? those frames from sewer the other day, aren't up yet. then your questions are about to be answered!

i am at my mothers place where i don't have access to frames or phootage. i guess you'll have to wait until thursday arvo. bugger ay.

as always, when i don't show you frames, i will give you a link to something that i deserves your eyes. in this case, it's an instant rockstar.

that my friends, is all

Sunday, July 26, 2009


today, i surfed while James and his ankle manned the camera, there were some decent clips of kyle and tom of which frames will be uploaded soon.

that my friends, is all

Saturday, July 25, 2009


soo. im back from perth, and loving it! just in time for what "appears" to be some decent waves.

i just thought i would let you know that i have no frames or footage to show you at this point, but i do have a good story:

i drove to perth on wednesday night, got to my place of stay around 9 o'clock and crashed into a heated bed. the next day (thursday) i went clothes shopping and TV shopping. after five hours of this i decided to go cool off in the ocean. upon paddling out some piss-swilling wannabe koby abberton faggot told me "Fucking lid go back to the inside" to which i replied "fucking grandpa go back to your retirement home". what i had said eventually sunk in. i'll tell you right now, he wasn't a happy chappy. yesterday i drove home via pyramids in mandurah, and scored some super fun, uncrowded waves. now im home and i am looking forward to the next 72 hours.


Re-enter my URL soon for more!
(frames next time)

P.S who wouldnt want a bed like that!:

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

good riddance

im going to perth now for who knows what! ill be back friday and when arrive home i will fill you in on the details.

bye for now

Saturday, July 18, 2009


"to sketch or go over"

i have decided to fill you in on Tuesday's near epic North Point session.

*ahem hem*

7.00am: rocked up at box, saw the hewitts and co., then decided instantly that we were going to neg it. we drove to north point (some thought it would be a waste of time), watched feasty get a mega barrel and suited up in 2.76 seconds flat! (dorje)*.

8.00am: i "swam out to see P U R E dude, Nic filming some mad water angles"**, and joined him. some sick shit went down, mainly feasty throwing buckets, josh casey's double barrel and some surfer eating ass***.

10.00am: My first battery ran out so we hit up the store. i got my premium scab skills on and managed to squeeze a pie and some lollies out of the boys. (thanks lads, i will pay you back one day!) after some deep analysis and thinking time we decided that the crowd had reduced enough to make it worth the walk back. after paddling out and waiting for a good hour we called a group meeting. (it definitely wasn't worth the walk back) the time had come to go home......

1.00pm: we had had some lunch, and drove to rivermouth. it looked pretty decent considering it was rivermouth. the waves were hell fun although teeth**** didn't seem to feel the same way. i guess it is understandable as it was his first surf in 3 months. the lads went in, but i stayed out (by this point it was getting darker by the minute) and got to catch up with an old friend of mine. (r.d.)

7.00pm: the last twelve hours of my life had been epic as. i was pleased

*asterix* mania:

*Personal joke, for duke.

**Quote from Nic Barclay.

***The surfer roasted a bodyboarder recieved instant karma. loving life one moment, dreading it the next, he went from the very top of the wave to the bottom of the ocean faster then you can say bugger.

****West Matteussen, you may know him as dan's worse half.

that's it for now, check back REAL ZOON. (haha)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

OVERtaking lane

"All I'm writing is just what I feel, that's all. I just keep it almost naked. And probably the words are so bland." - Jimi Hendrix

alot has been going on in my world lately, none of which conerns YOU.

Although i know one thing that you might be interested in.

Here are the frame-grabs you were promised from the last two sessions at North Point:


Tom Hewitt, Also him above ^^

Heath Ledger

Empty as my pockets


End Bowl Love

Coming zoon

P.S.S *DID anyone notice the new blog title?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Forward Films Presents:

in other news:

the last few days we have scored some waves that are more then excellent considering the time of the year. i took over 300 clips in two sessions. many frames to be viewed soon enough.

check back here either tomorrow or the day after!


Sunday, July 5, 2009



So, as you definitely all know. over the last few days the waves have been "off tits". nuff said.

Brotherly Love


Love that face

On Saturday we went here ^

It did this ^

Lewy did this ^

and this ^

and also this ^

On sunday we went here ^

Lewy got this ^

and made it out of this ^