Hot summer nights, flat spells and SSW Swells. This year we had a good run but now i think it has finally come to an end. oh well, atleast we have got april to look forward to.
in the mean time, over 50 fires are raging in N.S.W. at the moment and 35 in Victoria with the death toll standing well over 100, and over 800 houses destroyed. so do the aussie thing and donate some money to the
red cross, even if its only 5 dollars im sure some kid would benefit with a new shirt or some band-aids or something.
im going to Perth this weekend with a few mates where i will pick up my brand new camera.
P.S. (if you forgot what it looks like then press this link)anyway, mums hassling me to get off the computer and get ready for school.
adios amigos!